Home Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path Survey Results

Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path Survey Results

A few days ago I posted a short survey on Reddit asking Pathfinder 2e players and GMs to rate each of the 10 published Adventure Paths on a simple 1-5 scale. At the time of writing, I have received 60 responses to the survey which amount to a total of 222 Adventure Path ratings. I’m publishing the initial data here but I will leave the survey open to continue to collect more responses. If you’d like to contribute your own ratings you can fill out the survey here. No personal data is collected as part of this survey, just your responses to the questions.

The data below is broken down by Adventure Path and sorted from the lowest average rating to the highest. I wanted to keep the focus of this post on the results of my survey, but I will be writing up a more comprehensive post in which I will rank the Adventure Paths based on data pulled from several sources across the internet (including this survey).

Note - Shortly after posting my survey I realized that Reddit user u/DuncanBaxter had posted a survey on Reddit a couple of months prior to mine. Their survey is far more detailed and the results are well worth reading through. They also used the results to create a fantastic guide to help people pick the right Adventure Path for them - I love the idea of making each Adventure Path into a stat block. Go check it out!

Adventure Path Survey Results

Quick Stats

Highest Rated: Strength of Thousands (4.08/5)

Lowest Rated: Extinction Curse (2.37/5)

Total Survey Participants: 60

Total Ratings: 222

Most Ratings: Abomination Vaults (30)

Fewest Ratings: Blood Lords (15)

10. Extinction Curse - 2.37/5

Extinction Curse Results Extinction Curse Rating Distribution

Extinction Curse has received the lowest overall rating with an average of 2.37/5 from a total of 27 ratings.

9. Agents of Edgewatch - 3.13/5

Agents of Edgewatch Results Agents of Edgewatch Rating Distribution

Agents of Edgewatch was also rated low at 3.13/5 after 23 ratings.

8. Age of Ashes - 3.14/5

Age of Ashes Results Age of Ashes Rating Distribution

Age of Ashes, Pathfinder 2e’s oldest Adventure Path, rated relatively low at just 3.14/5 with a total of 29 ratings. Interesting that the first three Adventure Paths that were released are also rated as the worst three so far.

7. Outlaws of Alkenstar - 3.47/5

Outlaws of Alkenstar Results Outlaws of Alkenstar Rating Distribution

Outlaws of Alkenstar also fell towards the back of the pack with an average rating of 3.47/5 and a total of 19 ratings.

6. Fists of the Ruby Phoenix - 3.56/5

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Results Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Rating Distribution

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix rated towards the middle of the pack at 3.56/5 with 16 total ratings.

5. Quest for the Frozen Flame - 3.59/5

Quest for the Frozen Flame Results Quest for the Frozen Flame Rating Distribution

Quest for the Frozen Flame also fell solidly in the middle of the pack with an average rating of 3.59/5 and a total of 17 ratings - only beating the previous Path by 0.03.

4. Blood Lords - 3.67/5

Blood Lords Results Blood Lords Rating Distribution

Blood Lords, the most recent Adventure Path (excluding the ongoing Gatewalkers Path), ranked fairly well with an average rating of 3.67/5. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it also received the fewest ratings with a total of 15.

3. Kingmaker - 4.00/5

Kingmaker Results Kingmaker Rating Distribution

The classic Kingmaker Adventure Path took bronze with an average rating of 4.00/5 and 22 total ratings.

2. Abomination Vaults - 4.07/5

Abomination Vaults Results Abomination Vaults Rating Distribution

Abomination Vaults took second place with an average rating of 4.07/5 and a total of 30 ratings, the most ratings out of all the Adventure Paths.

1. Strength of Thousands - 4.08/5

Strength of Thousands Results Strength of Thousands Rating Distribution

Strength of Thousands took first place with an average rating of 4.08/5, just barely beating out Abomination Vaults by a margin of only 0.01. The first place Adventure Path had a total of 24 ratings.

Comparing Surveys

As I mentioned above, u/DuncanBaxter also recently published a survey about Pathfinder 2e Adventure Paths. Their survey was far more comprehensive, but they did include a question asking players “How do you rate your overall enjoyment of the adventures you have experienced?” That seemed fairly close to the premise of my survey so, out of curiosity, I adjusted their data for that question to fit a 1-5 scale and compared their results to mine.

Adventure Path ILootTheBody (222 Ratings) DuncanBaxter (893 Ratings)
Abomination Vaults 4.07 4.00
Age of Ashes 3.14 3.40
Agents of Edgewatch 3.13 3.30
Blood Lords 3.67 3.90
Extinction Curse 2.37 3.00
Fists of the Ruby Phoenix 3.56 3.85
Kingmaker 4.00 4.15
Outlaws of Alkenstar 3.47 3.60
Quest for the Frozen Flame 3.59 3.70
Strength of Thousands 4.08 4.10

Overall, the results seem to line up fairly well considering the large discrepancy in our sample sizes. The scores for my survey were generally lower than theirs and our final rankings don’t line up exactly one-to-one, but they are relatively close. Our three top rated and three bottom rated Adventure Paths are the same, just in slightly different orders.

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