I Loot the Body

Blog Posts

Barbed Weapons

I think that D&D 5e has a distinct lack of interesting nonmagical items, especially weapons. The difference between one standard weapon and another is minimal, usually just a slightly larger/sm...

The World of Cordia

Four dwarven warriors stand alone on a bridge. Before them, the elven armies of the Umbra Queen march toward them over the rubble of a burning city. Behind them, the last remaining survivors of the...

Vestiges of the Fallen

Death happens. While we as game masters (GMs) rarely want a player character to die, it’s bound to happen at one point or another during our tenure. In many cases, death is just another obstacle f...

Site Update: Total Overhaul

Some of you may have noticed that the site looks a bit different than when it originally launched. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks completely overhauling the site from the ground up. While it m...


Welcome to I loot the Body! I am excited to finally be getting this passion project of mine up and running. The goal of this blog is to provide tools and inspiration for TTRPG game masters and play...

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